
1.Company or

“C-Trade” LLC (Republic of Armenia, Admiral Isakov Ave., 3/19)


Any person registered on the Company’s website or submitting or submitting a request for services to be provided.


The Company’s web-site:


Any restaurant/store cooperating with the Company, the offered goods and services presented on the Site.


Customer’s entry via the Website, mobile application or phone call.


Terms of use of the Site, mobile application, for the registration of the Order, as well as the personal data protection policy applied on the Site.

1. Personal Data Protection Policy:

1.1. Collected personal data collects the following personal data in order to ensure the execution of the Order registered on its platform, as well as to communicate with the Customers, depending on the method of registration of the Order:

In case of registering an order via the Site or application:

  • Customer’s phone number, e-mail;
  • Customer’s IP address;
  • Information on the means of payment, if the payment is made online.

In case of registration on the Site:

  • Customer’s name and/or surname;
  • Customer’s phone number, e-mail;
  • Customer’s IP address;
  • Information on the means of payment, if the payment means is attached to the user's account or if the payment is made online at placing an Order.

1.2. The Customer’s personal data are collected by the following means:

  • When the Customer registers an Order;
  • When opening a user account on the Site (an entry for registration on the Site is registered);
  • When the Customer visits the Company's website directly (in this case, the information is stored in the "Cookies" section).

When actually filling out the above entries or providing data by phone, it is considered that the Customer has given his/her consent to the processing of his/her personal data. The consent given by the Customer is the legal basis by which the Company processes the Customer’s data. The personal data becomes available to the Company from the moment the Customer fills in the application until the subscription is terminated.

The Customer’s data is collected in a database that is updated every time any new information is received. After the Customer submits an application to terminate the subscription, his/her personal data is immediately transferred to storage in the list of terminated subscribers for a period of 2 (two) years. The receipt of data from IP addresses and their storage in the "Cookies" section starts automatically from the moment the Customer visits the Site.

1.3. The Customer’s personal data are collected for the following purposes:

  • To communicate with the Customer in connection with the delivery of the Order and/or the services being provided;
  • To organize advertising campaigns, including those which the Company organizes together with its Partners;
  • To ensure the quality of services which complies with the requirements of the Customers;
  • In order to improve the quality of services, as well as to improve the Site.

In addition to the above, personal data of Customers may be processed to personalize the marketing messages being sent. For such purposes, the Company shall send marketing messages (including by e-mail, telephone, booklets, short messages or online advertising) regarding the services offered by both the Company and its partners. Online advertising can be displayed on the Site and on the partners’ websites, as well as on online media.

In order not to receive such information, the Customer shall notify the Company of his/her refusal by calling 099-79-09-69 or sending an e-mail to the address:, or by mailing to the address: Republic of Armenia, Admiral Isakov Ave., 3/19.

1.4. Transfer of personal data to third parties

The Company shall not sell, transfer the personal data of the Customer to other parties, but shall provide only to the Partner with which the Order is registered. It should be taken into account that they undertake to keep the confidentiality of the Customer's data and use it only to carry out the Order.

The exception shall be the cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, as well as the parties which, according to the Terms, are directly involved in the process, for example, banks, accounting companies, companies providing legal services, etc. The latter shall not be considered a third party, provided that they undertake to comply with these rules for the processing of personal data and keep their confidentiality, as the employees of the Company. The third parties mention in this article bare an obligation to delete the personal data of the Customer shortly after executing the pursued purposed.

However, non-personal information of the Customer may be provided to others for marketing, advertising and other purposes.

1.5. Customer's rights related to the processing of personal data

The Customer shall have the right to view and edit the personal data collected by the Company. To do this, he/she may contact the Company by phone, specified in the Terms, or by e-mail.

As soon as possible after receiving a letter or a phone call, but no later than 10 (ten) days, the Company shall provide the Customer with the personal data processed by it. If such data contain incorrect information, the Customer shall have the right to request to correct/edit them within 5 (five) business days.

The Customer shall also have the right to request from the Company to delete the processed personal data if the reasons for the processing of personal data and the purposes for which the personal data are collected have expired.

The Customer may at any time request the termination of the processing of his/her personal data. In this regard, it should be taken into account that the termination of processing of personal data may lead to the suspension of the performance of certain actions or, in general, to the inability to use the services offered by the Site. After canceling the subscribtion the personal data of the Customer shall be reserved for an additional one year.

1.6 Data Storage

To maintain safer storage of the personal data of the Customer it is transferred to server maintained by Hostinger Web Hosting (Adress: Jonavos g. 60c Kaunas, Kaunas 44192, LT) and are storaed accordingly.

2. General Terms of Sale and Delivery

2.1. Legal relations arising between the Customer and the parties involved in the performance of the Order

Immediately after receiving the Order, the Company shall pass it to the relevant Partner. If for any reason it is impossible to organize the performance of the services provided, the Company shall notify the Customer of it as soon as possible.

In this process, provides its platform for placing the relevant goods/products of the Partner, as well as for registering the Order for such product by the Customer and submitting the Order to the relevant party. In this process, the Company is an intermediary between the Customer and the Partner.

In the case of online payment, fee paid by the Customer shall be transferred by the Company to the Partner on behalf of the Customer.

The Company shall be liable for the obligations arising between the Customer and the Partner. In particular, the Company shall not be liable for the quality, freshness, as well as for other quality characteristics of the Order. Moreover, the Company shall not be liable in case of delay or non-fulfillment of the Order by the Delivery man.

The Company reserves the right to deny provision of its services to some potential Customers, without any additional explanation.

2.2. Online Payment

After an online payment at Order registration on the Site is made, shall immediately transfer the Order to the relevant Partner. The payment shall be refundable only if the Partner cannot fully carry out the Order.

In the event of any problem related to online payment, the Customer may contact the Company by calling 099-79-09-69 or by sending an email to

The Company shall not be liable in case of delay, cancellation of the Customer's payments, as well as in case of any other payment problems.

2.3. Refund of online paid amount

Partial and full refund of the amount paid online with bank cards is made within 5 working days.

Refunds for orders paid online with Idram are made within 3 working days.

Cash refunds for orders paid online are not allowed.

2.4. Complaints

The Company, acting as an electronic platform, shall not be liable for the quality of food products manufactured by the Partners presented on the Site.

Nevertheless, the Companyshall do everything within the limits of its powers to protect the Customer's rights violated by the Partner.

The Customer's complaints can be submitted both orally, by calling to 099-79-09-69 phone number, and by an e-mail, to the email address:, or by sending a letter to the address of the Company.

2.5. The Order Price

Despite the fact that updates on the Site are made daily, depending on the price list of goods/services offered by the Partner on a given day, there may be periodic changes in prices for goods/services on the Site, as well as removal from the Site of the goods/services available on it and offered by the Partner.

Neither the Partner nor are liable for additional payment obligations incurred by the Customer as a result of such actions, as well as in case of other complaints from the Customer.

2.6. Points and Bonuses

The company reserves the right to withdraw the points provided as a bonus within the framework of previous marketing campaigns, if the customer has not used it for more than 3 months.

2.7. Copyright Protection

All information available on the site, including, but not limited to: the design of the Site, videos, texts, graphics, logo, software, belongs to the Company or its partners as a copyright or they have an appropriate license or other legal basis for their use. Such intellectual property objects are protected in accordance with the procedure stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

No services provided by the Company may be reproduced, copied, sold or resold without the express written consent of the Company.

3. Miscellaneous

The Company shall not be liable for technical faults on the Site.

The Armenian version of the Terms and Conditions prevails over the versions in other languages. In respect of the legal relations arising between the Parties the legislation of the Republic of Armenia shall be applied.

The settlement of disputes between the Parties shall be subject to the Court of General Jurisdiction of the city of Yerevan.

The terms can be updated at any time by posting them on the Site. The further use of the Site by the Customer after the posting of the updated version shall be considered the Customer’s consent to the amended version of the Terms.

The terms can be updated at any time by posting them on the Site. The Customer receives an update about the update. The further use of the Site by the Customer after receiving a notification about an update shall be considered the Customer’s consent to the amended version of the Terms.

In any case the Customer reserves the right to cancel his subscription and demand deletion of his personal data from the Company’s server.


Terms of Service